Customer Center Help
- Under the My Services/Equipment section, all users can view a list of services that is assigned to them. Departmental coordinators/authorized users will also be able to see under a Department Services/Equipment section a list of services related to their department.
- Individual users can view their long-distance departmental and/or personal phone bills by clicking “View My Bill” under the “User Quick Links” section. When viewing reports:
- Verify “Bill Date Range” has the correct month selected.
- Use the browser back arrow to return to previous report screens.
- Departmental coordinators/authorized users can view long-distance reports for any department/cost center that they have been given access to by clicking “View My Bill” under the “Admin Quick Links” section. When viewing reports:
- Verify “Bill Date Range” has the correct month selected.
- You will see a list of department/cost centers that you have access to. Click any department/cost center to see list of users.
- Click “Switch to Full Detail View” to see user call details.
- Use the browser back arrow to return to previous report screens.
- For quick access to specific long-distance call details, click “View My Calls” under both the “Admin Quick Links” and “User Quick Links” sections. From here you will have various search options.
- When viewing reports, how the report displays on your screen will match how your report prints or saves. Once you have your report displaying how you want, the best option is to click the Generate PDF button at top right of page. A new window tab will open in your browser.
- In the report window tab, click the Printer icon at the very top right of window. A print pop-up screen opens.
- In the Destination field on the right side, select from the dropdown list to Save as PDF and click the Save button, or select a printer and click the Print button.
- When done close the report window tab.